Abbreviation of Panic At The Disco A Alternative Band There for goes by P!ATD
Dan H:I love P!ATD
Phil L:Love Panic At The Disco to
by TheEmoReject June 24, 2016
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An abreviation of Panic! at the Disco, and a popular band.
What concert are you going to?

P!ATD concert!
by Whatsthattabbycat November 6, 2006
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A shortened form of the band Panic! At the Disco, an Indie labled band.
I wanted to see the P!ATD show, but it was sold out.
by ~MissHaley~ March 2, 2006
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Panic! At the Disco aka- A very very good band EVERYONE should see live at least once
Accessorizing with a rosary tucked inside her lingerie... -P!ATD
by x EMO KIDS USE Xs- hahaha x January 21, 2006
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1: ...hey moon-
2:*bursts into tears*

2: I love P!ATD...
by Dorian Bridges November 13, 2018
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Acronym for Panic! At the Disco, a sucky whine-emo band with no talent and an idiotic name.
Zomg, P!ATD has to be the most ridiculously terrible band since MY Chemical Romance.
by P!ATD sucks October 31, 2006
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