When a person is sexually aroused by someone expressing anger in a passionate or violent way, or when a person is sexually aroused by someone expressing their anger at them specifically.

Most often refers to a BDSM kink where a man or woman likes to have a person of the opposite, or sometimes even the same sex, but most often the opposite sex, pretend to be angry at them while indulging in their BDSM kinks and fetishes together.

Can also refer to when a man or woman likes to do things or say things to their partner intentionally to annoy or irritate them hoping they will lash out their anger at them.

From the Classical Greek words for anger, "Orgé" and "Thumós/Thymós"
(From a college class I was in once):
Professor: So if you take the concept of getting naming things from Greek and Latin and attaching "-phobia" or "-philia" to it, that's where we get phobias from, which are fears, and "philias" which are things we like, or in a more erotic sense, things we find sexually arousing.

Student: So you can do that with almost any word?
Professor: Technically yes. At least, almost any word. But most likely if you make it up it won't actually be accepted or recognized as a real word.

(Student later on that day talking to their girlfriend)
Student: Hey I think I finally found a name for that fetish I told you about that?
Student's girlfriend: About liking someone when they get angry?
Student: Yeah! I call it Orgothumophilia!
Student's girlfriend: What the literal fuck?...
by A Black Smartass from America February 21, 2022
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