Tiny Cousin of big J, also his name is pronounced “OOH-nee-orrrr (with a rolling “R’s” type sound)

(“HUNIOR” is a way of pronouncing it, but roll the R’s and your good to go

has curls occasionally and scared of the Incredible Hulk, seriously just ask big J himself

Oonior is if “afraid of their own shadow” were a person
Big J: Oonior!!!! Oonior!!!!! Hoooorrrrrrr hoooorrrrrrr!!!

Oonior: what? What do you want? Big J??

Big J: *shows him picture of the hulk*

Oonior: aaaugh!!!!! Please!!! Make it stop *starts crying*

Big J: ….

Oonior is cringe

Oonior is gen z type of dweeb

If your scared of harmless cartoons or play on your iPhone all day then your clearly an “oonior
by Makenbaconshakin March 1, 2022
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