Look at the Oompa-Loompa.
by FU February 14, 2004
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When your girlfriend ain't good at riding cock so she kinda goes up and down like a oompa loompa
Yo my girl can't ride for shit. She does The Oompa Loompa whenever she tries to do it.
by yyuh December 27, 2018
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small, orange, green-haired people that work in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and do a musical number each time a kid dies

it can also be used as an insult
girl1: I got a spray on tan, do you like it?
girl2: No, you look like an oompa loompa
by tu_bebesitaaa03 April 26, 2019
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oompa loompa is someone who is very tiny and small with a big ass head and likes to sing all the time and they can be annoying sometimes ya know what I mean.
Chantal you're an oompa loompa smh adios
by daquel April 13, 2016
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fat ugly little alien things that live in willy wonka's chocolate factory.
oompa loompa doopidy doo
by psycho bitch February 24, 2004
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