October 12th is the cutest person in the world it also has to be the dopiest thing in the world it also means to have a sweet personality and never will give up and keep on trying
Hey it is October 12th your birthday don’t be Dopey and use your sweet personality to keep people smiling
by Veronica chevay November 2, 2019
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October 12th is the day in which all the single bitches out there get some appreciation.
by tatertots04 November 28, 2019
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“It’s October 12th, wanna go out?”
“Yes my little discord kitten🥴”
*gets married*
👰 ♂️/👰/👰 ♀️
🤵/🤵 ♀️/🤵 ♂️
by Pls do not use your real name October 11, 2021
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by BurntCookie833 October 12, 2021
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A day where a man was murdered, and the day where mistakes are born.
October 12th was the day i was born, no wonder i’m a mistake
by peqchyluhv November 23, 2019
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the day you have the best car sex. take the car driving far away and just do it.
Friend: do you have any tips for where you have the best sex
And now after you had carsex on october 12th you can say ”in the car;)”
by What about simbaaa October 14, 2019
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