A name of well to be known upcoming Rapper, aka Big Z, or Fireman. Dropping his mixtape soon. The mixtape is featuring E Squared entering yo mom's pussy.
kid: did you here that new rapper, Notorious B I G Z ?
other kid: yea hes pretty tight
by Sky Bird August 6, 2011
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Someone whose eccentric/undesirable behavior is all-too-well-known --- i.e., "notorious" --- all over town.
Hippie-types who strongly wanna spread their messages of, "save the whales", "no nukes", "peace on Earth", etc most definitely DO have my full support; it's when they get pushy or preachy and then start to piss off other people that they "cross the line" and become notory publics.
by QuacksO November 19, 2018
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A guy who is named infamous for doing bad things. He’s 100% fuck boy/daddy but deep down can be the nicest person you know. He’s funny and caring and doesn’t ever mean to hurt people. Doesn’t have a temper at all but can be protective over certain people.
by Badhighkdhdh3 May 17, 2019
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