Calling someone a nonce without using the word, so they can't go bitching to their friends about being called a nonc
Emily you are a nonc cause you like little children
by Skengman 5000 August 16, 2017
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British derogatory term for a paedophile. Can be used as an insult.
Carl's a right nonce
by imnotatory January 13, 2020
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Used by prison staff, to explain the segregation of inmates who were convicted of sex crimes towards children and the other inmates


Prisoner W23899 is a nonce.
by ads July 27, 2004
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a person who perves on little girls and loves to talk and touch them . They also get exited when ever they see a young girl
Nah g why is rhys such a nonce”
“Honestly he perved on me for 3 months”
by June 5, 2019
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a deviant, a sex offender;
from acronym NONCE, UK prison classification for prisoners deemed at risk from attack from other 'regular' prisoners because of the sexual nature of their crimes
NONCE = N ot - O n - N ormal - C ourtyard - E xercise
'Oy , Glitter ! You're a nonce, you are !'

'Five measly quid - Five quid ? Is that all ? You're a nonce, Hill... a Nonce !' - Little Orphan Boy to Harry Hill on The Harry Hill Show, 1996
by wiseninja April 2, 2006
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