The "i" is actually a lower case L. It looks like the exact word but it still passes the censor in any chatroom, mmo etc.
A :I hatez u NlGGER
B: Wow so ****** isn't censored!
A: Lolz i reports u nub
*B gets banned*
by aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh February 4, 2010
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alternate way to type nigger. (pronounced nulger)
usually used to get around censorships in games
guy 1: "man i really do hate NlGGERS"
guy 2: "Wow dont say nigger you racist fuck!"
guy 1: "WTF i diddnt say that you racist fuck i said NlGGER it has an L!"
by darkf0rm May 7, 2018
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Oh shit bro, its a team of Nlggers!

Those Nlggers pillaged our TSG!
by chubbahhbro October 10, 2011
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