She/he is the best creature ever created, even though people always bully people with this name.❤️
“Ninya is my bestfriend
by Your Most Likely To Steal Girl October 23, 2019
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Ninya is the sacred title and name given to the bravest and sexiest ninjas. There is only one true ninya and the name has been given by the mighty Wulo.
Look! it's the sexy Ninya!
by Ninya Hub July 8, 2021
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A person who drives you crazy, while making you laugh. Half of the time you want to punch them, but their quirkiness makes them likeable.

Can also used towards those who chicken out of situations; make you want to pull your hair; make you loose your temper; or catch you off guard and you have no comeback.
What a flamin ninya!!
by AyChihuahua December 29, 2011
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