A sexy dude always has girls draped on him. A girl magnet!
an gentelman who will kick anyones ass for the right girl.
girl 1-look at nick
girl 2-he is sooooo hot!
girl 3-hey nick
nick- hey sexy.want to go to the movies
girl 3- yeah
nick-after we'll go to my house
girl 1- lucky you're so getting nicked tonight
by fammie February 27, 2010
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The most amazing, loveable, heart-warming guy a girl could ever have. Has the bluest eyes that can make your heart melt. He is very quiet at times, but extremely sociable around his friends. He is athletic, smart, and exceptionally gorgeous. He knows how to kick butt on Halo, Call of Duty, and many other video games on his x-box. Definitely going to be successful in the future and he will marry a girl who has some asian blood within her. All around good guy. Very laid back and will one day achieve bro-ness. Has the cutest laugh and wonderful smile. Also huggable; VERY huggable. He has his silly moments that puts a smile on people's faces. #1 cuddler too. He's excellent at making large snowman!
What? Nick? You have one?! I'm so jealous!
by AngelinaPookie November 21, 2010
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The most amazing guy on the planet; whom walks with brown hair the blows with the wind and has the most attractive laugh. And if you've ever seen his smile...well you're a lucky one cause man its beautiful! When he cracks one of his jokes you cant stop yourself from laughing, due to the fact his jokes are the funniest. You might say he's one of those guys you just want to watch the stars with forever. :)
OMFG did you see him? He's the most gorgeous Nick I've ever seen!
by SoftballerChels22 April 29, 2009
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hot, sexy, very good looking guy; a very attractive male
that guy mike is so nick it's not even funny.
by randomness_chickas April 3, 2010
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A man with huge muscles. He can bench more than almost any guy his age causing him to have big pecks to complement his flat stomach. Also has the perfect amount of hair dusting his rock hard pecks and stomach. And if u manage to get lucky enough you will see his dick is just the right size.
Dude I'm not as big as nick anywhere
by The one that knows... August 6, 2011
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So awesome that a nick surpasses Chuck Norris in everything. Chuck Norris bows down to nick because nick is so awesome.
person: hey look at him!
other person: yea! hes so awesome!
person: do you think his name's nick?
by cheez-it lover9781 January 19, 2011
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He’s the type of person that once you realize how much you love him you just can’t let go . He’s too amazing for words . But he’s just as quiet as he is funny . He’s not shy he just doesn’t share much about himself .but once you have a nick never (and I mean never ) let him go . Nick is the type of person you would die for because he’s just worth it . He has awesome hair and beautiful brown eyes with light freckles and a smile that can make your day . Every time he smiles at you there’s no way your heart can’t just jump out of your chest . If there’s one thing that I know for sure , is that one sentence or just on word said by him can make your day.
Nick not going to lie your literally perfect.
by Takeahintman February 29, 2020
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