A term used to describe females lowering their standards when it comes to choosing men, while attending SUNY New Paltz due to the fact that attractive men are very scarce. This drastic decline in taste effects these young women for the rest of their lives; they will continue to believe that unattractive men are indeed attractive.
Nikki- Hey, did you see that dirty guy on that stoop next to Fat Bob's? He's kinda hot.
Valerie- Yeah, but only "New Paltz Hot".
by zzz123 May 9, 2009
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school full of hicks and hippie-wannabes. People play the bongos at 4am, and the alcohol is plentiful. Some weird kids even stand in the middle of campus and make alien noises. Alot of art majors here.
the town here seems to be two years behind everything.
by dan October 27, 2004
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A Freak Show city filled with an abundance of homosexuals who paint their faces and wear skin tight clothing.Where Often you cant tell peoples genders and you have a better chance of becoming apart of a human centipede then meeting a normal person.
Im an Arts theory major who loves the same sex and is a huge creep i need to go SUNY New Paltz
by batman914 April 8, 2011
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A weird place where normal people are scarce, you will probably get asked to make out by another dude before a chick. The cops will literally arrest you for breathing the wrong way. If you come from a regular city you are in for a shock, for there is an array of weirdos waiting on every corner.
Some guy asked me to make out at suny new paltz the other day.. he was wearing womens clothing
by pauseheymarky April 8, 2011
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A school in the a small town with a bunch of pot smoking hobos with there very own gay pride club. Kids in the school can change there names to things like Kit Jesse and other things. The school is a prison and the bathrooms are a juul hangout spot
by Griffin savage November 6, 2019
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The only highschool in new paltz. Kind of ass tbh just get held back in eighth grade while u still can
Has a vaping problem so bad they had teachers with sign in sheets sit outside bathrooms for a week.

Located on Butt Corners, allegedly Putt Corners but vandalized idk I don’t see it B lunch solos
“Why tf is the high school so small”
“That’s the middle school they decided to put new paltz high school around the corner from a fucking strip mall McDonald’s instead of in town”
by c0rnbreads October 21, 2022
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