(anything) A spontaneous expression said at a unknown time for no apparent reason. Used to express emotion such as fear, confusion, contemplation of fear and/or confusion and if all else fails just to anony people. This can also be used to ask questions and virtually anything if you so please.
someone makes a comment that confuses you. your response: NEH?!
you see something that bothers you, your response: NEH?!
by Ashleii December 1, 2002
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A certain Spirit Weapon's way of saying no.
by Shadowryas August 10, 2015
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another word for no, accurately defines "how about no?" .. usually said while pointing finger in the direction of the person or shaking head, or both together. Often whispered , can be either very short or dragged out... neeh!
Teacher - make sure you all have the project done by the 5th!
Us - Yes.. (teacher's back turns).. NEH!
by Keeeeeeed February 19, 2011
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The interjection "neh?" at the end of a sentence is equivalent to the Canadian "eh/hey?", or the British/Scots "innit?". Was invented neither by Orson Scott Card nor on the streets of Winona, Minnesota, but rather has been in the language for a good long time without too many people noticing. They still don't.

"Neh" is either a foreshortened loan of the French "n'est-ce pas?", or a direct loan of the Portuguese contraction "né?" (literally, "não é?"), which means the very same thing when placed at the end of a sentence. It is difficult to find any particular attribution to "neh" in English literature because it is vernacular and evolved as a spoken interjection, not to be written down.
A: Neh?
B: Eh.
by R0rd_Er337 February 22, 2009
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used to show insignificance in one's speech or state of mind. It is in reference to one who is mentally handicapped. If some one says something unintelligent or replys to a question or answer with something unintelligent, the other person responds with "Neh Neh!"
Kid1: Im gonna go outside and shoot some ball

Kid2: hey. you know that its raining outside. that means you could get wet.

Kid1: Neh Neh!
by Lucchino August 20, 2007
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