the way when one acts in a classless, trashy, heartless, manner- and exemplifies the true meaning of douchebagery
You know you pulled a nowicki when:

Example 1:
Person A: "I'm going to stalk your mom until this is resolved"
Person B: "Oh don't pull a nowicki on me"

Example 2:
Person A: "Wait, he dumped you over the phone and almost killed your puppy?"
Person B: "Yeah- he totally pulled a nowicki"
by HIGHlarious February 25, 2010
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One who loses his jew gold
Nowicki: oh man I lost my ounce of gold!

everyone else: why were you carrying an ounce of gold?
by Asshorde January 17, 2009
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A boy who loves calcium cannons and bunda
Don't bother texting him galls unless u got it
Tom nowicki loves calcium cannons more then apple crumble
by Ariana Grande xx January 4, 2023
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a very nice person that loves you so much a nowicki will love you no matter what
person A: that person over there is so nice
person B: so he is a nowicki i want to be his friend
by pogchampboy March 21, 2021
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