teh Mongoose King, Motorcycle guy, plays way to many games, wants to live in the woods when he grows up
Nags is 1337 so 1337
by Nags April 13, 2005
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The horse you get in Red Dead Online when your horse dies. Absolute shit stats, and ugly as hell. Also known to some as "Scrawny Fag"
Bruh, I don't want Scrawny Nag.
by Oofpacitomos September 14, 2019
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It's the response that Google gives when you type "Anagram" and are expecting a real definition. It's a Google developer's joke because it's not a real word, but it is an anagram of the word anagram.
You: "Anagram"
Google: "Nag a ram"
by EtonicSpider October 23, 2010
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The act of sending short, usually single line, e-mails to people to get them to react to some issue. Particularly common today with hand held devices and continuous time connectivity. Used by many to exert power over others and to reduce productivity. The victims usually are forced to respond with an e-mail 4 to 5 times longer in order to clarify the issue to prevent further e-nagging. Also know as e-nudzhing (Yiddish).
Sorry I'm late, but my boss was e-nagging me, so I had spend the next hour writing an e-mail explaining how Excel worked.
by John Whiskeyjack April 15, 2010
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An anagram of the word anagram 0-0
Anagram definition: An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. For example, the word anagram can be rearranged into nag a ram.
Easter egg: if you search 'anagram' on google, google will say "Did you mean: nag a ram"
by iMbored_ January 22, 2021
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When you are annoying to rams. also shows up in googles search results when searching "Anagram".
by Whatthelivinghell March 2, 2022
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An observational comment unwittingly providing a woman ammunition to harass her man.
Man to clerk: ...and a pack of Camels, please.
Clerk to man: Here ya go...You know those are gonna kill ya, right?
Man's wife: Ya, see? Even he knows! I keep telling you to quit! BLAH BLAH Blah blah blah.
Man to clerk: Thanks for the nag fuel, asshole.
by Belunan November 28, 2009
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