Murchie is a sexy bich of a name. it holds a lot of hottnes in it. only true good looking people have the last name Murchie.
Hey did you see that girlY?

- Ohh yeah she's SEXXYY she must have been a Murchie.

Why did the group of guys cross the road?
- Because they new she was sexy Murchie.
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to be impulsive but purely in a goofy, fun way. Usually related to alcohol.
My flatmate got hammered last night, went a bit Murchie and woke up in Zurich!
by snidewinder May 9, 2011
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something that is scary, creepy, gross, weird, unsettling, or unbecoming in any way.
While making Star Wars cookies with my son
Me: Do some with Yoda.
son: No, I don't like Yoda. He's too murchy.
Me: What's murchy?
son: Um, duh, it means scary.
by kiki cohen November 15, 2012
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