A person who "Milks" the clock. A person who takes their time(milking the clock) to get something some.
There goes moo moo taking his/her sweet precious time to clean the kitchen so his/her can get hours.
by Professor Strudell September 29, 2020
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Moo Moo is an expression used to describe and chubby high school girl that is very fake and rude they do things like try to ruin relationships and hurt their friends. They only like people for their money and use them for going to cottages and trips. They also call guys hot behind their back because they are to ugly to get them.
Omg bro fucking moo moo is trying to get in the way of everything what a bitch
by Dannylongshlong July 7, 2019
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A fat female.
Refers to the size and sound of a cow
Damn! She straight moo-moo son.
by Bruce Sias November 17, 2004
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Moo Moo, is a type of word that is very unique... it means a cow that moos very often like 24/7 they moo.
"Would that cow shut up?" said Nicolette
"It's just moo mooing," said Olivia
by my new word September 12, 2019
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A rare and expensive drug found in Cambridge, Massachusetts, distributed by the being known only as Dr. PrepStone aka the Pterodactyl. It is basically ground up cow utter which, when smoked, releases all of the cow's hormones in addition to its remaining milk. It can cause anything from hallucination to seizures.
It was originally discovered by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who created it in an experiment alongside Bono's grandfather, Bono. Its full potential was not known until along came a Vietnamese doctor named Timbuk the Second, commonly written as Timbuk II. Warning: can cause induced menstrual cycle in male users.
I just smoked an entire bag of moo with my buddy and his belly button started bleeding. Then he vomited up his small intestine!
by Dr. PrepStone November 22, 2010
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