to get a girl pregnant when you know she would not want your kid
I'm going to put some wheels on miscarriages tonight!
by goodQuestion February 9, 2012
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A term used to describe a female that had a miscarriage due to contracting the Covid virus and as a result of the miscarriage the unborn fetus doesn’t leave the body, but in fact, due to Covid it enters the bloodstream, travels down to the calf where it continues to grow until it reaches the full potential it would have if it was born.
My buddy Pete was telling me about this girl bring a 6. My buddy Nate stepped in and said she has the biggest calves I’ve ever seen, and I believe she has Covid Miscarriage Calves since she was due to have twins. What’s truly unbelievable about this is when I met this lady with my wife who had given birth a few months prior and was lactating, the woman’s calves tried to go towards my wife’s breast’s and suckle. I smacked the calves and told them if anyone is going to suckle, it’s going to be this guy!
by Tee Cee Deez March 28, 2023
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Alan Yarborough had dirty period sex with his lady on a red towel so the blood wouldn't show up, over Christmas Break, in front of a mirror, with the dog watching so that he and the dog could watch; this is a Memphis miscarriage.
by Alan Yarborough October 21, 2007
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Hillbillies from Menominee, Wisconsin that, due to a miscarriage, are severly deformed and like to eat Northern Pike.
The Menominee Miscarriage Mongrels proceeded to eat all the pike in the pond in under 15 seconds.
by Jamison February 17, 2005
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A phrase used to describe the ultimate feeling in life. When you hit the highest of the highs. Especially in a situation when you've hit the jackpot just when it looked hopeless. You thought it was over and you were down and out...and then a miracle happened.
Joe: Man i don't think we can win this game...there's only 3 seconds left.

Bob: Here comes the hail mary!...TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!
Joe: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob: Party like your girlfriend had a miscarriage!!!!!!!
by brandonmarshall15 May 5, 2022
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Jack “Is this loss
Joe “what’s loss
Jack “it’s about miscarriage
by Evandjdjsjskdks April 26, 2019
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A devastating situation where the baby dies in the womb during pregnancy and it is NOT your fault and is usually due to the chromosomal structure of the baby because if a baby has either too many or too little chromosomes, then it won't develop properly.
Miscarriages are devastating and I would not wish it on my worst enemy
by Rotten Turkey November 6, 2022
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