A migraine headache attributed to when a mans penis is repeatedly slapped across a womens forehead. The name is derived from a popular American hotdog, Oscar Mayer.
I slapped my wife head so hard with my foot long cock that she had an Oscar Migraine the next day.
by MisterWhite&Chatty June 15, 2010
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A throbbing, dull pain within the centre of your brain, caused by excessive reading, translating or building of company security policy documents.
I've read so many damn policies now its given me an ISO migraine.
by bazzybizzle December 14, 2020
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Hemiplegic migraine is a rare and serious type of migraine headache. Many of its symptoms mimic those common to stroke; for example, muscle weakness can be so extreme that it causes a temporary paralysis on one side of your body, which doctors call hemiplegia.
Damn I can’t wait for tomorrow, its going to be such fun.

Tommorow: Oh shit I’m having a Hemiplegic Migraine, fuck my life, all my plans are canceled now.

Person: It’s just a headache, you’ll be fine.
Me: Dumbass it’s like a stroke and it’s fuckking scary.
by ultravio-lence005 March 17, 2022
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The psychosomatic consequences of attempting to carry out the virtual duties of all your comrades simultaneously. Generally presents as a late-afternoon fugue state, following the exhaustion of adrenal and caloric reserves, accompanied by a sense of futility, marked tightness in the neck and shoulders, and a headache akin to having one's brainstem in a microwave.
Started my shift with 30 unread requests in the inbox, finished my shift with a praxis migraine.
by tenguix June 2, 2021
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"Man, you're giving me a testicular migraine... you're a pain in my balls"
by T3CHNOLOG1C March 21, 2020
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When the entire body experiences throbbing and sensitivity to light, noise, and/or odors.
"I can't move, I have a body migraine!" said Katie, after spending all day moving out of her apartment.

Chelsea: I went to the gym for the first time in 3 months.

Bailey: Great! How was it?

Chelsea: I have a body migraine.

pain misery soreness u-haul
by urbanEH May 23, 2016
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Cramping so violent and painful that it feels like a migraine is going on in your uterus.
"OMG, I feel like I'm in labor. I have a total uterine migraine."
by pablo_neruda August 17, 2009
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