a very cute and cuddly lil specimen; loves to laugh and has too many good qualities to list here!
*Mew Mew huggles yew*
by Athene May 20, 2003
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An exclamation or retort used to interrupt someone who is complaining about something trivial. Usually said from one guy to another, with the undertone of "quit whining because your pussy hurts."

Likely (d)evolved from the expression "wah, my pussy hurts" since a hurt pussy cat would mew, mew, mew.

Sometimes used along with QQ or pew pew.
- Wait, I can't find my favorite pair of gloves and I haven't written a note for my roommate and...
- Mew mew mew, yeah whatever, let's go, we're late.
by Sir Yelof February 12, 2010
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A technique attributed to a British orthodontist named Mike Mew that involves putting pressure on the roof of your mouth with your tongue to try and change the shape of your face by moving your maxilla up and forwards with the lateral pressure of your tongue. This fits into the broader looksmax approach to self-modification in the name of love and romance.
Stacy "Yh Chad has some nice ass jaw now. He's been mewing for 6 months now"
by xaviergainford January 14, 2019
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An exclimation meant to represent the sound of a kitten. It is often followed by Japanese-styled emoticons to help exemplify the feeling.
Mew mew mew! ^.^
Mewwwwwwwwwwwww... T_T
by RealmRPGer February 25, 2005
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Can be used for various connotations from a cat's perspective. It is like the traditional meow but only sounds more enduring to say.
mew! = excited/happy
mew.= acknowledgment to another/a sigh /blah/lonely
mew?= what?

mew mew= pay attention to me
by MMAFT July 11, 2009
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Mewing is the the practice of using proper tongue posture to improve facial beauty and fix malocclusion of the teeth. The term ‘Mewing’ is a play off of Mike Mew’s name aka God, the man credited for spreading the good knowledge of the tropic premise. The tropic premise consists of having teeth together, lips together, and tongue on the roof of the mouth. Only through the use of all three, one can rise up out the ashes of lonely inceldom and move closer to chadliness.
Mirer: „How‘d you get such a good looking face?“

Chad: „I‘ve been mewing for one year bro.“
by @Mewinglifestyle May 22, 2019
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