noun: Me-thus, Met-hus, Me-thuz
:He/She, is kind, loyal, selfless, and bravest person even if he/she doesn't realize his/her own true self yet.
:He/she is the defender of truth, epitome of altruism and possess wisdom.
:Synonymous to affectionate, creative, idealist, mediator, and all the postive and beautiful things in the world.
Methus. The flower that blooms in adversity is similar to Methus, rare and beautiful.
by Pseudoyuyu June 8, 2021
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she is an introvert who has trichotillomania and only likes to talk with her best friend. Methu is very emotional and so much into studies. She is more likely to have a toxic family background. she doesn't like it when others distract her when she's doing stuff but always there for them and love them more than they even think of. she loves to study and being around her best friend.
Methu is so happy when she's with her bestie.
by minimooo November 28, 2021
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Genus: Methus
Family: Ocalaeanus
A special bred of meth infected people that reside in Ocala, FL. Traits are no teeth, walking down the highway at fast speeds and always asking for meth. If one is encountered be aware that they will try to gum you to death. They can normally be found at McDonalds or Wal Mart.
by shittersfull January 2, 2013
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