If you have a Merrick then don't become good friends with her. Shes a backstabbing bitch. Don't let her get comfortable because she then builds a gay ass ego. She will think she can put people down without consequences. She will slowly lose her friends, so don't bother having a Merrick.
Just don't bother with a Merrick.
by Iliketrees. May 20, 2010
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Stupid retard that wears car shirts and he uses girls for nudes and says same thing over again and lifts 300 pounds and he wears playboy like johnny trejbal the swaggest person ever and any girl would want him because he dates them for a week screenshots their nudes and breaks up with them and eats his grandmas poop
merricks so fucking dope i wanna poop in his mouth when hes sleeping thats why his breath smells bad i mean play soccer tyler
by Poopeater69420 September 24, 2019
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1) To be denied a chance to make your case.

2) The act of not granting an individual an interview or audience to be questioned for a position an individual has been nominated - despite the individual being perfectly qualified for said position.

Stemming from what Republican lawmakers did to Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland.
Judge Garland has been merricked by conservative lawmakers.
by streetlightserenader February 7, 2017
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To face fuck a girl to the point you didnt even treat her like a human.
a. dude i merricked your sister last night

b. dude i merricking your mom now
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1) Surname of the Elephant Man, Joseph Carey Merrick (5 August 1862–11 April 1890)

2} A boy's Name, most commonly used in Scandinavian countries.

3) Merrick (2000) the seventh book in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles series.
They named their child Merrick.
by maggiemae October 25, 2007
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A hippie who is emo. Smells very bad and masterbates to the sound of kittens mewing.
Kitty: Mew mew!
A Merrick: O_O GOTTA GO!
by jql August 18, 2006
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Merricking is the act of stealing another person's catch phrase or overusing another person's trademark slang. Can also be applied to stealing large quantities of money or something of great value.
"Dude, I used to say 'pieced up' all the time, but then Jack totally merricked it and now its lame."

"Haha! I totally merricked that bottle of Crown from that party!"
by gtcolt February 10, 2009
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