Go down on a girl, eat that box like there’s no tomorrow.
Girl 1: how was last night?
Girl 2: OMG he McGlynned me for 3 hours!!
Girl 1: shut up, I need to find a man like that!
by Smelly fart May 30, 2018
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One who is amazing and gorgeous. She never leaves you're side once you have her. She is a fantastic listener, and such a real soul. Her essence reminds you of only puppies and cupcakes. Her energy reminds you of a Duracell battery that never goes out. Everyone who knows her is blessed with her presence.
Guy #1: hey do you know that girl McGlynn?
Guy #2: yeah dude, she is the best! She is really pretty and great in bed
by Meglynnn Neid May 29, 2012
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An old maan in the body of a young child. seems to know many girls but only stalks them on facebook. also known as benjamin button's twin butt buddy.
Look its benjamin button oh no wait its connor mcglynn.
by dubcrub July 21, 2010
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Mr McGlynn is a sexist little bitch who has a very short temper as well as a very short dick, he actually has no friends and can choke on some haggis.
Mr. McGlynn has no balls

Omg you’re such a Mr. Mcglynn
He’s such a prick
by Sociallyawkwardchavvychild August 27, 2018
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King of dust, defender of the Nah
Are you tryin to live like Pat McGlynn? Look dusty as hell and just Nah mofos all day.
by Rosa parks 69 December 28, 2018
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Eating out a girl while she takes a shit.
She was taking a shit and I gave her a McGlynn Special. She creamed immediately.
by MIles Loong May 21, 2023
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