An absolutely gorgeous girl who is extremely fun to be around. She's very outgoing, but if the boy she likes is in the room, she'll be bright red and silent. Mayzie is generally very athletic, and pretty musically inclined. She'll be good at things like soccer, running, and dancing. Mayzie is a real thinker, and can come up with amazing solutions to everyday problems. She is also well motivated, and has good morals in general. However, Mayzie can tell a very convincing lie if necessary, and can be very sneaky. No matter what, though, a Mayzie will win your heart with her smile, and keep it with her personality.
Did you see that girl's smile?!

Yeah...what a Mayzie...
by bubbles27 January 17, 2011
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A goddess-like girl. Someone who is absolutely gorgeous, but doesn't really know it. A girl who defines stunning, beautiful, or gorgeous.
That girl is drop-dead GORGEOUS!

I agree. Definitely a Mayzie.
by bubbles27 January 17, 2011
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Mayzie is a young smart, beautiful, sweat girl. Mayzie is a amazing friend to have but very sensitive. But don’t get on her bad side or else things might get serious. You don’t want to mess with her . But You want a friend like Mayzie she’s one of a kind. She’s drop dead gorgeous she has a nice body and booty. All the boys want her but if you treat her like a joke she’ll leave like it’s funny . Mayzie is very Athletic she likes sports like softball, basketball, track , and sometimes soccer. Mayzie’s usually have brown or blonde hair.She knows what’s right and Wong. Mayzie is such a great Friend you would want her in your life. Mayzie won’t let you down she will always be there for you.
Mayzie is a young smart, beautiful, sweet girl.
by Mayzie November 22, 2018
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mayzie is a very kindhearted person, and shows her affection through smiles and words. she’s an amazing friend and is always there for the ones she cares for. she can be opinionated and always comes prepared in an argument. She has a peculiar sense of humor but can always make others laugh
Bro, Mayzie is hilarious 😂
by eve.. November 23, 2021
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A person that normally walks around naked and will ask guys for a good time
by 1rings May 13, 2020
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