a VERY FINE man who make south park, baseketball, orgazmo, team america, and canniball the musical
person 1: hey do you know who matt stone is

person 2: yea hes one of the creators of south park
by lagoonyy May 8, 2023
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some hot guy who is the co-creator of South park and baseketball guy and has a sweet ass
guy: Matt Stone is so hot
guy 2: ikr
by XonionX June 8, 2023
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The co-creator of the TV show "South Park," who has excelled at making racial, ethnic, and other mean-spirited humor socially acceptable among young people. A man of questionable talent, he produces low quality animation with poor dialogue to titillate the gross fantasies of teens and overgrown kids.
If Matt Stone couldn't make fun of racial, ethnic, and religious minorities and retarded people, he wouldn't have any jokes left.
by racistssuck120 August 20, 2009
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the other half of the creative body known as matt and trey. in case you're wondering, the other half is trey parker. anyway, they have created south park and, as of now, are hours away from the debut of season 10. they also made the short lived 'thats my bush', a spoof on george w bush. i say shortlived because it ended in the blink of an eye due to high production costs. they also made cannibal the musical, orgazmo, south park: bigger longer and uncut and team america: world police. i happen to be a HUGE HUGE HUGE matt and trey fan. in my opinion, orgazmo is the best film they have done AS OF YET, with south park a close second.
hey, i heard south park season 10 is starting march 22nd 2006. is it true?
by joemattandtrey March 21, 2006
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One of the creators of my favorite shows ever...south park! :D He does the voice of Kenny, Kyle, Butters, and many others. He's also pretty cute, I've never seen anyone pull off the Jew Fro look quite like him.
matt stone and trey parker are the geniuses behind south park
by 19145 January 3, 2010
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