Mariana's are normally very fashionable and creative people. They usually wear original clothing that they made or bought in another country. They love being different, especially in a place where everyone is the same. They definitely stand out in a crowd and no one could mistake them for just a normal person. Though they have many good attributes, they usually pretend to be really good at MarioKart which might influence you to kick their ass every chance you get at said game. They normally like being called names like boo, Snoopy, and snooki-pookums. Prospective careers for Mariana's would be photographer or fashion designer, though they're so well-rounded they'd probably be good at anything, except math. Mariana's hate math.
Person #1: "Have you seen Mariana?"
Person #2: "Yeah, she's prancing around like a fairy taking pictures of the football players."
by BootyBootyXP February 5, 2010
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Mariana is my lil' scrubby =
by Kique September 6, 2008
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Mariana is a weird specimen. She has dirty ass blonde hair but believes it's nice regular blonde and to top it all off she has boring brown eyes, or as she says "THEY'RE HAZEL!". Mariana walks around looking like a warped little creature and hates everyone but above all else she idolises some other disturbed character named César.

All in all she's a freak of nature and god help you if you come across her. She can sometimes be alright.
Dude i saw Mariana the other day and i wanted to dig my thumbs into my own eyes.
by Honour4Zuko June 17, 2020
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A female who has enough wit to bring men to tears, and enough beauty to bring men (and women) to absolute war. A Mariana is full of passion, and has a romantic zeal that would have made Shakespeare weep. Marianas enjoy the arts and sciences with intellectual fervor and undying commitment. They have many talents, and are equally adept, for instance, at building a modern skyscraper, or composing a collection of poems. Marianas enjoy connecting with others on a deeper level, and welcome adventure with a calm curiosity. They typically do not like to go to sleep at a particular time, and instead prefer to accidentally fall asleep. Take heed when bringing a Mariana into a room with non-Marianas; for non-Marianas are likely to develop jealousy and remorse for their condition of not being a Mariana.
Example 1:

Guy: "Do you know Mariana?"

Other guy: "Yeah".

Guy: "Man, she so smokin' hot."

Other guy: "SO hot, man."

Example 2:

Girl: "Hey, is that a Mariana over there?"

Other girl: "Oh wow, it sure is."

Girl: "Gosh, I wish I was a Mariana."

Other girl: "Me too."
by funnyguyone November 28, 2021
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Marina seems to be nice at first but then comes the drama. She is a stupid bitch who nobody cares about. she is the teachers pet. She tries to be popular but not she is not. If you have a friend who name is mariana go away from her. she is an asshole
Mariana is stupid.
by zzzzzzzzeeeeeeee June 9, 2020
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A bold, italic exclamation mark with breath-taking pizza cooking skills, persuasive salsa-moves, a mesmerizing morning face, and terrible humor.
She will teach you a new language, have your back and keep you out of your comfort zone, and also try to deep fry you in her dorm at night.

She will offer a release from the limitations of your life, so step carefully in order not to fall entirely under her spell!
A girl like Mariana is on the top of anyone's wish list
by Grytelokket March 16, 2020
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