The Margarona is the bastard child of the wildly popular margarita - the most common tequila-based cocktail in the United States.

Although no one is sure where the Margarona originated, and who gives a shit, we are sure how it’s made. You take a margarita (frozen, on the rocks, or straight up) and shove an open mini Corona beer in that bitch upside down.

It has been suggested by some very smart people that the mini Corona, also called a Coronita, was chosen over a full size beer since its compact dimensions and other tiny traits would not fuck up the stability of the drink. Aka, if you use a full size beer that shit will most likely tip over!
I would glady give my left ball for a Margarona right now!
by margarona1 March 2, 2010
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A wickedly tasty mix, made in any large container, suitable for parties. Ingredients include a 750ml of Jose Cuervo Tequila, a six pack of corona extra, or light, and two cans of concentrated lime juice. Add lime if preferred! Mix and enjoy, this s**t's guranteed to get you f**ed up!
Man, Mikey, those Margaronas last night were off the SHEEEZY! Word.
by those_blu_develz June 20, 2010
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