Manon. Someone who likes to spend her time alone, usually studying or doing something creative.
Although she has few friends, she seems like the person who would get a group to meet up with her, but then vanish.

Managing to sneak out of there, walk on her own, and get lost in her own thoughts.
She thinks negatively about almost any situation and overthinks it easily, wishing she had done this or that differently.
It's like she drives herself insane, and seems as if she tries to hide something away from you.
Person-1: Where did Manon go? I swear I saw her here a second ago
Person-2: She always runs away when we meet up, what a weird kid.
by childish. October 13, 2021
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A mysterious countryside girl living her big-city life in Brussels. She's a vegetarian but when she had too much wine she'll eat droge worsten as if they grow on the trees.

I you get to meet a Manon, cherish her!!
- Oh my god this girl stole all of our droge worsten!!

- That's okay, it's a Manon, just don't give her any more wine.
by MichelFaucault January 9, 2023
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Manon is the pretty girl who doesn’t know it enough, the one that everyone looks to because she is the best friend you could ever hope to have. She’s creative, she’s fun, she’s smart, she travels, she has good taste, she’s trustworthy. Even if she first appears shy, she always has a story to tell and makes friends like a breeze in the wind. She’s everything you could ask for in a person and more.
by @ffll00 November 22, 2021
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Manon est une fille qui dégage une certaine assurance à chaque endroit où elle passe. Elle adore peindre son visage de magnifique trait qui étire ses yeux couleurs verdâtres. Elle aime tout autant changer la couleur de ses cheveux en plein de nouvelle couleur, car elle ne connaît pas le mot « stable ». Si vous êtes ami avec une Manon vous avez l’assurance qu’elle sera votre psychologue privatisée comme si elle avait toujours sus répondre à vos problèmes. Loyale et attentionnée elle vous fera toujours passer avant tout, et vous fera sentir spécial. Si vous avez la chance de sortir avec une Manon, vous êtes certain.e que vous ne serez jamais tranquille, elle trouvera toujours un moment de vous faire bouger car elle adore être en mouvement.
Guy ; Wow! C’est qui cette meuf là-bas?! Elle est canon!!
Guy2 ; Ah. Bah c’est Manon, logique.
by 66hivers November 21, 2021
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"I left my boyfriend Sergio for that manon."
"That barbie with the antique high heel red doll shoes is such a manon"
by electra April 2, 2005
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A girl that IS NOT prude, however not a slut. She's gorgeous and kind. You could talk to her for hours without ever getting bored, and you can't help but open up to her.
- Is that girl a slut or a prude?

-Neither, she's a Manone
by super unicorn fart January 12, 2015
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To pursue men lecherously.
Laura is a fookin' manonizer!
by JaCkinbOx February 6, 2004
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