Means 'wash your hands' in Spanish.

A phrase used on the US television show 'American Dad' when Steve went to work at what he thought was Hogwarts, and actually turned out to be a place where Mexicans, possibly illegal, were creating drugs.
Mexican: Lavate Las Manos
Steve: Is that a spell?
Steve: Lavate las manos!
by Catrin T February 28, 2010
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Possibly the worst movie ever made. It was made (slightly) famous by MST3K when they snarked the movie.

Not a movie that one can make out to, for one may experience bouts of laughter and may bite one's lover's tongue.
Me: Did you see "Manos: Hands of Fate?"?
Friend: Yesh. I watched it while the master was away.
by Lady Bonkers August 17, 2006
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A truly God Awful film. One of the worst films ever made. Made by fertilizer salesman Hal Warren on a bet that he could make a sucessful horror film.

Using $19,000, an old spring wound camera, made an unwatchable film. A film where Warren showed how amature his film was when he forgot to put the opening credits in.

A film where a man played by Warren, his wife, and his daughter stop at the inn of "The Master." The family meets Torgo and settle in for a night of horror. A featured part of the film is Warren's personal fantasy where women in translucent robes wrestle in the night. Disturbing in that the little girl becomes a wife of "The Master."
Proof that fertilizer sales people should never be allowed to make their own films.
by jesster79 January 24, 2005
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It is a term mainly used as a joke or sarcastic tone , meaning with your hands.
How do you build on fortnite?! Con Las Manos!
by GoldM3M83R March 19, 2018
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This is very similar to doing the Edward 40 hands game but instead four lokos are taped to the hands as opposed to 40s. Although in theory this seems like a great idea, do not be fooled, the next mornings hangover will be an awful experience.
- "Hey man you wanna take it up a notch and do Eduardo Manos Locos?"
- Hell yeah! Sounds like a great idea!"

...the next morning

- "I hate you so much."
- "My heart hurts."
by Robadoo November 12, 2010
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