A graceless term that proves men create unrealistic standards of beauty and purpose for themselves, completely unprovoked by women, and without their approval. Often surrounds and is associated with white trash, misogynists, straight nerds and Nazism.
I wish I were part of the manmore masterrace, and then I could be happy with myself.
by javajavajack September 16, 2014
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A manmore is a man whose height is 6 foot 1 or over. They are generally considered superior beings due to being more attractive to women, being better fighters, more confident, and having significantly larger genitalia. Manmores belong to a group known as the master race.

The opposite of a manmore is a manlet.
Check out dat swole manmore homie, he be intimidating as fawk cuz. I'm mirin'.
by TheMusicManv2 February 13, 2013
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