When something is gross in some way, used informally, specifically in England. It is essentially an even more chavy way of manky.
Those public toilets smelt mank.

That pizza was well mank.
by Puuoyevigannogreven June 4, 2022
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Person 1: she licked vomit of the floor
Person 2: Ew thats mank
by Anonymous Explainer ;) March 4, 2023
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Johnk Mank is a famous teacher in LSC. He also has an important role in LSC: Real Life 2: Invasion of Wang Lao. Though he is not broken like Wang Lai, he can evolve Wang Lai using his own powers, but the consequence is to die. He is such a good friend of Wang Lai that he sacrificed himself for him. Wang Lai transformed into Johnk Wank Lai after he has gotten the powers of Johnk Mank.
A: I got Johnk Wank Lai in the game!
B: U won. Johnk Mank is OP.
by Johnk Mank lover December 17, 2021
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Person 1: Do you see that Manke over there?
Person 2: Nah, I only see that hoe over there
by ignorantthot January 15, 2019
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sum dum bubble gum nigga that will shoot up the school during a fire drill so dont cross this dankboi or else...
Mank the Dank:*walks forward*
other person: MY NIGGA MENKE GETTIN' THAT PUSSY!!!11!111!11!!1!!!!!1
by BlackmanMcNigger March 20, 2017
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