Text Messaging. Popular cell phone feature among suburban affluent pill poppers who can't walk and talk at the same time so they have to send encrypted messages that only AOL users can decipher. Words are abbriviated whenever possible and capitalization and punctuation are never used as it was never taught in remedial english.
im 2 la-z 2 spel wrdz kerekly n i have a ltd nolg of da en lang so i txt msg
by 50 cent crack dealer July 14, 2003
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Rice Farmer: You so dumb you currymuncher
Sokratis (Indian): Go eat some rice you MSG muncher
by NotDuke69420 March 31, 2023
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Composed of Hong Kong Fever, Down-Lo Mein, and Funky Buddah. One of the best rap groups out today. Their rhymes are tighter then the pants Down-Lo wears.
Three boys we deliver
to the highest bidder
we’re not three’s company
i ain’t jack tripper
but i do like the sexy ladies
always gonna drive me crazy

MSG is the best MotherBitch!
by HighOnMSG August 21, 2005
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a language for mobile phone users (8-17 yrs olds) tends to pretty annoying when used by adults who should know better!
by joe luck September 17, 2003
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a term gay snapchatters use for streaks when they have no friends to msg anymore
~boys crush sends a snap~
boy: please be a "hey"
girls streaks: streaksksk/smo msg me

~boy dies~
by joejoejoejoemums August 30, 2019
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(verb) - Sweating that occurs after having eaten a large quantity of food containing MSG. Most often associated with having consumed a large amount of food at a Chinese buffet, especially meats. The sweat is characterized by it's uniquely powerful MSG scent.
I can smell the MSG sweats going on from the 10pounds of food at the Chinese buffet last night.
by littlebiwwy September 6, 2011
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