A dark and shrouding ninja that strikes when you are least expected. On the Wiki's IRC, he prowls the the trivia to kill. He can be seen casually around with a smirk on his face and an arm on a woman's chest. Be warned, for He has the power to block your ass from coming anywhere near his RJackson meat.
WindPower: Yo, wut up, mah homie-G-doggie dawg with the foshizzle nizzle.
Moussekateer: Nothing much, just banning Newbs
*Pilk joined chat*
Wintergreen: Ohai, Mark.
Pilk: Hey, guys. Hey, Moussekateer... OH MY GOD, IT'S MOUSSEKATEER
Pilk: /buttsecks Moussekateer
Moussekateer: :(
by Wikianess January 17, 2011
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