Short for Microsoft, used to imply Microsoft cares more for money than it does for security, stability, and anything else that could make a good Operating System.
by Phoenix May 18, 2004
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An acronym/abbreviation for the monopoly Microsoft, using an $ instead of an S to show dislike for Microsoft and the money the company has.
The day M$ makes a product that doesnt suck is the day they make a vacuum.
by DarkX July 5, 2005
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Typically used as a derogatory term for Microsoft. Typically used by those who use Linux as their operating system, it implies that Microsoft, a business, cares about business-related things.
The person said M$, so I naturally dismissed their opinion on what is the best operating system.
by Scumbag March 22, 2004
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Common net abbreviation for Microsoft, everybody's least favorite monopoly.
M$, M$, M$!!!... yeeeaaahhh...
by VAKI5 January 23, 2005
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Meet, mary, and mate. Catholic version of animal sex.
In biology class, we learned that some female seagulls m,m,m with other female seagulls.
by Bad C dev March 1, 2021
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