Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer 1770-1827), as called in the film _A Clockwork Orange_ (Kubrick 1971).
"The glorious Ninth by Ludwig Van."
by LudwigVan November 11, 2003
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One of the world's greatest composers. He was born in Bonn on the 16th of December, 1770. He lived his first few year in Germany then he went to Vienna, Austria. Where he learned music with the brilliant musicians Mozart and Hyden. He was a real brilliant student that astonished his teachers. He died in March, 1827. He left his music and his love letter to the "Immortal Beloved".
Ludwig van Beethoven has many great works such as the 3rd sympony "Eroica", 5th symphony "Fate Knockning on the Door", and his 9th symphony "Ode to Joy". Also he has many great piano works, he was known for his passionate music that led to the start of the Romatic Era. Works such as "Fur Elise", "Moonlight Sonata", and "Pathetique".
by Omar Ismail February 8, 2008
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