L.O.M.F.A a misspelling of lmfao but was given a defination used by a few players of runescape. The defination is laughing out my fucking ass. It is when you are laughing really hard in real life. Some people use it in the W31 Barr0ws friends chat in the game.
Guy 1: I took a big shit just now hurt like hell...
Guy 2: I shit rainbows :)
Guy 1: Your gay.
Guy 3: Lomfa!

Asain Kid: I got a D in science....
Asian Dad: What?!#?$!#$??!$ GTFO!
American Kid: Lomfa!

Player 1: We normally DO it on weekends.
Player 1: We use a candom.
Player 2: Condom*
Player 3: Lomfa!!!
by the wise cheeseburger July 26, 2011
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"Lomfa" is a word directed to your 'homies' which is used for a laughing matter, though you are rather frustrated. It is not an acronym, though it can be used as one. Do not associate it with the common acronym LMFAO.
"Bro you better hurry up"
"I'm peeing LOMFA"
by dzn1el May 24, 2022
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