Also known as blackout-in-a-can or liquid cocaine, 4 loko is a trifecta of 12% ABV malt beverage, caffeine, and excessively sweet flavored syrup. Available in numerous flavors such as grape, watermelon, and cranberry lemonade, that all taste equally terrible. Drinking four cans causes one to go "loko" and gain superhuman abilities as well as a unexplainable need to do things one would never even consider while sober.

One can costs only about 3 dollars yet has as much alcohol as a bottle of wine and more caffeine than a monster, causing severe inebriation combined with excessive amounts of energy. A perfect beverage for someone looking to get incredibly fucked up, while also fucking shit up. Not to be consumed by retarded freshmen, underweight asians, or girlfriends, as all will end up puking their brains out and being insufferably retarded and annoying for the remainder of the night.
Guy #1: "Dude, I drank 20 beers last night, blacked out, passed out on the couch, and got my face drawn on."

Guy #2: "Oh yeah? I drank four 4 Lokos, blacked out, jumped off the roof into a swimming pool, fucked my friend's girlfriend, took a shit on SAE's lawn and put my head through a wall before I passed out in the parking lot's elevator."

Guy #1: "Damn, I wish I had gone loko last night..."

Guy #2: "So loko, bro!"
by fear boner November 6, 2010
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its this 12% alcohol cheap ass malt liquor koolaid flavored shit thats basically an energy drink that fucks you up bad... with all the caffeine and guarana... you are wired and drunk at the same time
Dude I had that four loko.... and i seriously browned out last night... well... thats the risk i take from drinking a four loko.
by TempD November 6, 2010
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Similar to the Beer Shits (diarrhea the day following a night of drinking high quantities of beer) only from drinking FOUR LOKOs.

Loko Bombs have more solidity, velocity and explosivity than the beer shits do. Unlike the constant stream of liquid that the beer shits yield, Loko bombs occur in several waves of somewhat solid masses of feces, and explode into the toilet similar to a bomb. The average number of bombs dropped per Loko Bomb session is 4, possibly being the origin of the "FOUR" in FOUR LOKOS.

**Often accompanied by neon colored urine due to the high amounts of food color added to Four Lokos.
A phone conversation after a night of drinking FOUR LOKOS:

guy 1: "Dude, that party was radical last night. I can't believe Eddie drank 3 FOUR LOKOS without puking! We should do it again tonight!"

guy 2: "Damn, if Eddie has the Loko Bombs nearly as bad as I do, he's not gunna leave the house for the rest of the weekend."

guy 1: "I'm on the toilet right now with Loko Bombs!"

guy 2: "Yeah, I just Loko Bombed the hell out of my girlfriends bathroom."
by Dr. Cobs November 27, 2010
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An alcoholic beverage that is considered by many to be the guillotine of all drinks. Not for the inexperienced; do not give it to a bitch friend, annoying girlfriend, or wuss.

See: bitch friend / annoying girlfriend / wuss

The equivalent to a horse kicking you in the face, after two cans. If you can get past the first one without vomiting all over your girlfriend's tits, the second one will have you blacking out, crying for the mercy of death as you go around in circles around a lightpost in the middle of the highway and screaming about Fidel Castro and how he likes to fuck children in the ass.

Three cans is considered suicide in Arizona, Oklahoma, Florida, New York, and Texas.
Hey man, want to drink some 4 Lokos tonight?

Sure, let me get a tourniquette and write out my will first.


Yo! I bought some 4 lokos, can I pass by?

Do you have a rifle at standby, with tranquilizer darts?

Shit, no; let me go get it first.
by lrodry18 October 7, 2010
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Blackout in a can. Drink two or three and be in for a blurry night and hell in the morning. Totally worth it!
She drank 3 Four Lokos and danced naked on a table for an hour before passing out in the walk in closet.
by Miche7 October 17, 2010
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The state of being so intoxicated from consuming the notorious beverage favored by slutty college chicks, four loko that you don't recall anything from the night not videotaped, and you wake up face down on the floor.
Joe got so floor loko'd at boo bash on halloween, he had to be carried home by AJ
by laXfever34 November 28, 2010
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Mixing the new (caffeine-free) four loko with a 5 hour energy to regain its former glory...

They changed the formula and we're changing it back.
We're going five loko tonight!
by drunk@jhu January 24, 2011
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