The gibberish spouted by liberals or the liberal media.
Liberals condemn Republicans as greedy businessmen who ship jobs overseas for cheap labor and then laud Democrats who import illegal aliens as cheap labor.

LIberals believe socialism is a good thing and then deny all proof that socialism results in the murder of millions and the impoverishment of nations while the government sucks up all the wealth.

LIberals denounce crime and racism, but if you point out that blacks commit ten times more crime than whites they call you a racist.

LIberals believe Biden when he says he wants to create jobs and pay no attention when he passes laws and regulations that destroy jobs, a good example being the tens of thousands of jobs destroyed when he illegally canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and violated the Takings Clause in the process.....and then claims to uphold the Constitution!

Liberals condemn police for carrying guns and killing criminals, but when they are attacked by criminals they call for the cops to come and kill them, and then wants the cops defunded.

Every example just given is contradictory and hypocritical, and is just so much liberal gibberish. Put these last two words together and you get "libberish."
by Nickelman from the boonies. February 13, 2021
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