The best comedian in the history of the world. He yells alot, is Jewish, hate candy corn, and apperently like IHOP, has seen the end of the world which is in Texas.
"I had no thoughts this winter, well just one...FUCK IT'S COLD! or ITS COLD AS FUCK! actually I thought of giving up comedy...and becoming a bear...Uh oh, its cold out, time to sleep, this blows...then comes spring, Fuck, time to wake up.

If we did have this non existent tax payers money, we should build a giant Canada...cause that is where all the could air comes from.

Every Halloween, I go to a party, and there on the a bowl of candy corn...and like an alheimers patient I go up, and go, hmmm....corn that tastes like candy...excellent...*eats* SON OF A BITCH!
by Mustache Man March 5, 2005
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very funny Jewish comic....seems angry a lot tho!
-Lactose intolerent milk? Kiss my dick!! If your lactose intolerent, you can't drink milk, so what's in the fucking carton??
by ill bavid May 16, 2005
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An individual who seems to suffer from heart attacks every time he is on stage. Very vocal on his views of the Clinton scandal and how he wanted to eat his head from the inside out. Loves IHOP, his health spa, and can't figure out why someone would say "If it wasn't for my horse I wouldn't have spent that year in college."
by Steve September 25, 2003
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Jewish comic who makes a living by screaming his head off about things that everyone already knows anyway. Lewis Black is occasionally very funny and thought-provoking in his approach but some of his jokes miss the mark and his angry persona wears off on a viewer over time. His piece on the Daily Show far outshines his stand-up specials because they're just long enough to be entertaining without being grating. Can best be thought of as a stand-up version of Maddox. A tad overrated in many of the same areas as the late Mitch Hedberg.
Although I prefer his segments on the Daily Show, Lewis Black's best stand-up effort in my opinion is "The End."
by Squid Wrangler April 13, 2005
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