The awkwardly worded antonym to 'Easy peasy lemon squeezy' meant to express that something was very difficultly done.
by Therane08 April 16, 2017
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Adjective. When the difficulty of a given task or set thereof is not due to actual mechanical challenge and testing of skillsets, but instead is "Difficulty by numbers", in which the difficulty comes as a result of simply continuing to stack more and more odds against the tasked. Examples of Lemon Difficulty include video game bosses with massive amounts of health and can kill you in one hit, but otherwise aren't mechanically challenging, and 'runaround' type tasks that involve a lot of tedious backtracking.
"Hell, the Big Bank heist in Payday 2 on stealth really isn't anything more than just Lemon Difficult"
by RadienX Chaosmaker January 23, 2021
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