Hym “Lazy in comparison to who? A writer copy-and-pasting dialogue off of urban dictionary? Or fraud psychologists copy-and-pasting his content off of Urban Dictionary. I mean, yeah, that guy on UD is a genius. Literally one of the greatest minds the world has ever seen. And better than a retard. But it’s just laziness stealing his C- work like that guys. Be better!”
by Hym Iam October 5, 2022
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A movement founded by myself, promoting conservation of energy, in an effort to postpone entropy. Followers are looked upon not as leeches to society, but activists, bailing out the universe from imminent doom with a cry of reason, often drowned out by shrills of "duuurrrr" from every dronish, hard-working idiot in the world.
I'm no fuckin' Republican; I'm lazy.
by Lanan May 10, 2005
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Someone with actual intelligence who is smart enough to realise that the education system (and most of life)is fucked and ends up failing or fucking up because everything in reality is too boring
by Kmaikl December 13, 2004
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A chronic illness where victims lack the willpower to do anything requiring effort. The entire population suffers from this disease. There is no known cure.
Notice the man on the couch, watching television. He is a prime example of laziness.
by PrincessZeffie March 10, 2008
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Being lazy is not an affliction; it is a blessing. Those of us who embrace laziness soon wonder why we tried so long to deny ourselves its comforts. People are fucked, the world is fucked, so sit back and light up. What else you got to do?

Bro 1: You lazy cunt, that's the fifth time you've watched "The Big Lebowski" in the past two days. This rent ain't paying itself, you know.

Bro 2: Chill dude, you're clogging up my airway with your progressiveness. Now pass me that roach, why don't you.
by gimmedatsammich November 10, 2010
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To be lazy. Taking your sweet time doing nothing productive.
I've just been lazying around the house on this rainy Sunday afternoon.
by Willima Winter January 25, 2004
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