The cheap street maccies in lanny - honestly best place to hang out until you get chucked out (although if you aren't there in a big group it'd dead asf and you'll probably leave in fear of getting clarted ) Ripley, LRGS and LGGS especially enjoy the scatty tables as for the grammar kids especially it's the inky place to meet people of the opposite gender. So many druggies outside tho.
Lancaster mcdonalds: the best place in town

Oi you coming to Lancaster mcdonalds

Yeah wbu



I think I like you , you want fries

Yeah lad
by Mulletpatrol May 23, 2022
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The art of fishing ones own turd out of the bath whilst occupying it, then gently placing it in the toilet.
Ah ya know me Terry, didn't have time to take a shit then have a bath so I just shat in the bath and gave it the old Lancaster Scoop.
by Spartan2020 November 22, 2020
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When you hang a dog with your prolapsed anus in front of it's family whilst elegantly buttfucking it.
Yeah Dave got super pissed at his ex and her family so he gave 'em what-for with the ol' lancaster lasso.
Hey, you goin' to the lancaster lasso party festival this weekend.
by trrbltrrbl December 5, 2022
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A city in Northern England full of nosy parkers who can't seem to mind their own business. Examples include getting accosted by an angry security guard for flying a drone over the iconic castle for recreational photography. Another example is walking into a public building and standing next to a staff only door. The third example is walking into the local supermarket, clearly grown adult and picking up a tiny energy drink can from the shelf and getting asked for ID to prove you are aged 16 or older before you get chance to blink. Seriously, it's very typical of Lancaster.
Me: *Flies drone of Lancaster Castle*
by LordJenal August 28, 2022
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a guy that is popular but has an ever changing personality. whenever he hangs out with a new group of people he will subconsciously alter his personality those of the people around him. overtime, its rare to see him without a group of people, and if you do, he just looks like hes a lost wandering cat. typically short and dumb. however, in the right environment he could excel without being aware of what's going on.
Person 1: Why does Lancaster look so depressed?
Person 2: Yeahhh, hes always like that when hes not surrounded by a bunch of people
by jensimson November 15, 2022
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A small town in Wisconsin where everybody hates it and pretends they don't so nobody leaves. There are more bars and churches than anything else. With five restaurants and one movie theater that only gets movies that are sold on dvd there is aproximately nothing to do except go to the football game, which is all anyone really cares about.
Stranger: Where do you live?
Stranger:In Pennsylvania?

Person: No
Stranger:ohhh, california?

Person:No! Wisconsin! We're in Wisconsin!

Stranger:I don't know where that is

Person:it's by platteville. *proceeds to show them the placement in Wi using their hand as a Wi shape*
by ILoveStar April 21, 2017
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Dog fucker, condescending liar, loves making false accusations (partnered with his "breeder" girlfriend), worthless piece of shit, useless waste of life. Glory-seeking fire-fighting wacker that thinks he is worth something. Settles for being a useless lazy person that pays nothing to support his children, with a minimal job & no aspiration for growth; piece of shit by definition.
Village Idiot of Northern Lancaster County
by June 17, 2023
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