An arabic word used to describe someone who consumes large amounts of mayonnaise.
Look at lak-ya-pierre I can't believe how much mayonnaise he is eating.
by falafel juice July 4, 2010
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It's a state of mind where you make a 😯 face and speak 😶 🌫
Hazel: Hey Peter! What's wrong with Tiffany?!?!
Peter: Oh nothing major, she's just lak-fu-sed.
Hazel: what fused?
Andrew: He means she's she'll shocked!

Hazel: 😯
by lin-ash December 12, 2021
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Chhai lak is a name of a person.kdor Thom is a Khmer word mean "so handsome"
full meaning in English :chhai lak is so handsome.
Ex. chhai lak: do I look good?

Girl: chhai lak kdor thom
by Chhai lak stueng penh January 10, 2022
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A psycho-dike who takes control of women who's she's in control of and make them crazy wanting to take air-conditioned appliance out of her windows when she missing in action.
Kaddy Lak took had her geeking!
by 888LoveisLove888 February 23, 2022
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Lak has a negative vibe and it is generally related to feeling sad and depressed. It is used in particular sentence structures which one should fully grasp before using the word.
I am in a lak (aka. "tu lakam" in Farsi).

- Why don't you listen to this song?
+ It has lak ("lak dare").

- Amoo is very sad. What happened to him?
+ He did not bring his umbrella with him. He is going through a severe lak ("rafte tu lak").
by PhatBalllllz January 5, 2022
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Laks is a danish slang for pussy
Kira: hey do you want to taste my laks Tommy: HELL YEAH
by HVEDEMEL October 22, 2019
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