Lima Romeo Mike.
Low Rent Mercenary.
Security/Bouncer/Bodyguard of sorts willing to put themselves into shitty situations for not the greatest amount of coin. These people are reliable and dependable. Some are not always 100% about the money, could be the fighting, the environment, the staff, or even the venues clientele, but cash is a factor for their survival, and possibly how long they stick around.
That dude is straight LRM. He's been around the block working shitty gigs. He's always up for a scrap.
by LRM49 December 14, 2018
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Legally Required Minimum
The bare minimum to get by, legally.
“Soldier why are you sitting around?” “SGT, I’ve done the LRM for the day.”

I’m broke but I need to get insurance on my car, better find out the LRM to get by..
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Tobey- you still keepin your
bike in street?
John- nahh Ima go for big title @ LRM
by The ghetto child April 5, 2017
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