Like name dropping, except with knowledge. Sprinkling your conversation with tidbits of trivia in a pathetic attempt to impress your friends.
Sandy: Is everything OK?
John: Yes, and interesting use of that word. Did you know "OK" has its origins in the Choctaw Indian language?
Sandy: Knowledge dropping. You're such an ass.
by Poe toaster April 17, 2013
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1.To give information or share knowledge on a subject or just life in general.

2.To teach something.

3.To give advice or share wisdom.
1. I had no idea he was a interested in history until he began to drop knowledge about the Civil Rights movement. He really knew what he was talking about!

2. Guy: I can't seem to find that article on student activism I wanted to use for my essay in the library.
Girl: I took a class on library research.
Guy: Word? Come on then, drop that knowledge!

3. My younger cousin was going through a tough time with his girlfriend, so I had to drop some knowledge his way.
by gehleek October 22, 2008
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The act of supplying another individual with important information at a crucial time. The information supplied must be of some significance within the context with which it was dropped.
Mark: "I am going to Boston, but I am not sure what I am doing"

John: "Hmm, please allow me, I love "dropping knowledge" on the likes of you. There is a Red Sox game at 7:05 pm, they're playing the Rangers, you can find tickets at, there is a great restaurant around the corner, here is the number to make a reservation. You should avoid taking 93 during rush hour."

Mark: "Wow, you just dropped some serious knowledge on me!"
by Albert Einstearns April 22, 2010
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To act smart for this period of time.
Today i am gonna drop knowledge in front of the class.
by Derek Stubbs October 2, 2007
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A term deriving from the San Francisco East Bay Area. Used to express one's desire to defecate.
Oh man, I need to go drop knowledge.
by Jonathan Bowerbank April 27, 2006
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The act of ejaculating on a another person to enlighten them about your awesomeness.
Dude, I'm totally gonna drop knowledge all over that girls face later on. Educate a hoe.
by Keepsitreallikethat November 5, 2008
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