n- The coolest and best friend ever. EVER.

Goes by the shorter name King. Also, Brown Bear.
"Hey, Kingshuk! You're awesome!"
by rave4daze March 13, 2009
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Word: Kingshuk (কিংশুক)

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: 1. Kingshuk is a Bengali term that refers to the vibrant and distinctive flower of the Butea monosperma tree, also known as the "Flame of the Forest" in English. This flower is characterized by its fiery, brilliant orange-red color and is commonly associated with the spring season in Bengal. The Kingshuk flower holds cultural and religious significance in Bengal and is often used in traditional rituals, decorations, and festivities, making it an emblem of beauty and auspiciousness.
2. It is a given name for biological males of Indian origin, primarily found in the Bengali language and culture.
1. During the spring festival, the streets of Bengal come alive with the breathtaking sight of Kingshuk flowers in full bloom, adding a vivid splash of color to the landscape. 2. Kingshuk is an AI_Engineer who went to Harvard.
by VERYWORDYBOY September 8, 2023
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