The best all-girl's private school in New Jersey, filled with girls who know how to achieve every dream and every goal they set their minds to. The are all gorgeous by definition becuase being pretty is a requirment for being accepted. They respect themselves and others and are above putting people down. They love star, wooden lockers, Chumley, starbucks, uggs and northfaces.
by jerseygirl131313 March 27, 2011
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Kent Place is a non-religious all-girls school (just because it's all girls doesn't mean its full of lesbians). It's an AMAZING school where every girl gets into a fucking good college. It's brother schools are Oratory and Delbarton, and is normally compared to Oak Knoll, even though in lists of the best high schools in New Jersey, the two can't even be compared. Oak Knoll think their the hot shit when in fact Kent Place has the hottest fucking girls in NJ.
Kent Place School is the fucking best.
by abf83yoweagr March 31, 2011
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