A state of persistent failure in pseudo-sports like golf and candlepin bowling. Used to describe both the actual performance and the negative state of mind associated with constant failure.
"Don't worry about it, he's just mad because he's been living in the Ken Zone all day."
by PGA Phil April 3, 2019
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When a female thinks of a guy, usually her friend, as a non-sexual entity.
Like a Ken doll, he might as well have no genitals.
Worse than the friend-zone.

See "Barbie'd": Same concept, genders switched.
Girl 1: Damn girl, your friend is fine!
Girl 2: I never noticed. He's like a brother to me.
Girl 1: So he's in the Ken Zone?
Girl 2: Basically...
by iGregatron October 9, 2014
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