Kelantan is a Malaysian state located in the northeast part of Peninsular Malaysia. Its capital is Kota Bharu but the royal capital is Kubang Kerian. It is well-known for rich natural resources and the unique dialects that is somewhat different from Standard Malay.

People in Kelantan are religious and believe Allah SWT. Syariah has a strong influence to the local law and therefore people are really polite. Due to this, they become a good example to the entire Malaysia.
Kamal: Have you ever been to Kelantan?
Siti: Of course! It is a really nice place!
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Somewhere you must visit when you come to Malaysia.
Don't regret if you forgot to visit Kelantan while you were in Malaysia.
by Mi_goreng May 3, 2023
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in a state that many people are making weird stuff and etc
for example: you are a such a “kelantan “ lah ali
by pungkokhang July 14, 2018
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