She's gonna make you wish you quit while ahead. Whores get a beat down! So do nasty-ass lying cheating scum sacks! When you down she's going to spit on your bloody faces! She'll come up quick , when you see her it'll be too late. Keely will be the last thing you see.
You are bringing the wrath of Keely down upon you!
When all wrongs have been righted and Justice finally served , only then will you know what it means to be Keelyed!
by whipn2afrenzy December 19, 2016
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A tiny ginger man, his ginger beard is so long it is used as rope in some country's.
His eyes are normally missing and he likes to eat blonde hair and coffee.
His fascination with 5sos caused him to kill them all stuff there body's and use them as body pillows.
*eats hair*
by xXFireTearsXx November 29, 2016
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a sweet girl who makes unnecessary noises all the time and usually turns into a male by the age of 34.
"What's that thing?!"
"Oh that? It's just a keely."
by --:-- January 25, 2015
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a beautiful person that cares about everybody and never does anything wrong
"Have you seen that Keely girl? She is so pretty and caring and never does anything wrong. She is perfect!"
by Bonskeeskee September 30, 2019
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A keely , a girl who no matter what always finds a smile even in the worst of times, a heart so big it's an easy target for pain , but still has the most love for the most people most of the time , a beauty that is more than than skin deep radiates an ora of beauty that lights up all, an infectious laugh and smile that spreads like wildfire . A true queen among women and men !
by Thickdick_8469 December 9, 2020
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A dirty liar who has nothing better to do but be mean to people. She might pretend to be your friend but really, she isnt your friend. A Keely might pretend to know gymnastics, golf, basketball, softball, ect. So technically shes a poser. Keelys tend to be small and anorexic. They cheat and lie. Once her victims friend is gone she attacks and thinks she can handle it when really she cant!
"Oh my god! That girl is so rude and ugly, just like a Keely"
by Anonymoustoxic March 6, 2015
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