The coolest person in the entire world and has no shame and you wish you could be like him. His volume goes to 11 on a scale of 1-10 and is just pretty much amazing. He is the reason for the word amazingness =
that Keanan kid is cool shit.

oh and "Keanan" is a much better spelling than "Keenan" =

Have you met that Keanan kid?
I could hear him from a mile away.
by Keanan May 29, 2008
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A kid that's a bit different, he loves sports just not to watch them he also has a couple of friends but knows who his actual ones are. He loves BMX riding, dirtbikes, and snowboarding. likes listening to rap and calm songs and most of all his dad is his role model
Keanan is a fun kid
by Keeb Keeb May 13, 2019
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He is a guy with such a great heart, and makes sure the people around him are happy. Also he loves to watch football and be active, a Keanan has such a nice smile and you will fall in love with easily, most Keanans think they are perfect and is interested in expensive clothes to make him look cool.
He acts like a Keanan
by Urbannames1 August 29, 2019
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That one weird kid sitting at the back of the classroom
Look over there! Keanan is underneath the table saying he's a dolphin that is dead inside!
by Suspiciously Specific January 26, 2020
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what a great lover he makes. he is different, and too damn good to be human. so beautiful in all of the ways i could ever imagine for someone to be beautiful. keanan, please don’t ever become a stranger.
“ i met a boy who makes my bitter days sweet. “

“ it is keanan, isn’t it? “
“ how did you know? “
“ who else could it be? no one compares to him. “
by your sweetest girl August 31, 2021
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One of the most incredible people you'll ever meet. Keanan can sometimes be very harsh on the outside, but he's one big gooey marshmallow when you get to know him. He's super compassionate, a very supportive friend, and incredibly funny. He'll make you laugh until your stomach hurts, and then he'll destroy you in every sport imaginable. Keanan is very active on the badminton court, soccer field, and the hockey rink, being able to use his insane muscles and strength to dominate all kinds of sports. His body looks like it was sculpted by Greek gods, and his personality shines through his striking dark eyes. His lips will draw you in with every word and his eyes will freeze you in place with a glance. You'll be trapped staring and admiring him all day with just one smile, one glance, from the dark haired boy who took your breath away. Don't ever let go of a Keanan because they stick around for a very long time, bringing so much joy and love into your life. His intelligence, wit, and sarcasm are his weapons of choice in an argument or debate, so don't go starting a fight with a Keanan. If he can't tear you down with his words, his giant biceps will surely rip you apart. Everyone deserves to have someone like Keanan in their life, but so few get the privilege. Hang on to him tight because he can race into your life just as quick as he can leave. (Due to the fact he's also very fast)
"Man, did you see Keanan?? He's so hot"

"Keanan destroyed everyone in soccer!"
by sour funsticks June 10, 2024
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